08 May, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

This was my Mother's Day dessert this year. I made pate brisee in a lovely Matfer tart pan, but since I am not in my own kitchen, the crust shrank with out pie weights. Still buttery and crisp, but short on the sides. Still architecturally sound, I melted semi sweet chocolate to line the inside of the shell, and layered that with vanilla pastry creme, and piled up the red-ripe juicy berries.

It was a first Mother's Day for my daughter and my first as a grandmama...though i am called Jujy, just like my baking, JujyCakes.

07 May, 2011

THANK you, Martha Stewart

My flock of Sheep!

I know I have not been writing as much as I can. I've been busy moving and settling in. In this day and age of multiple email addresses- I hardly look at my Yahoo acct...and imagine my surprise today! I am a winner in the Martha Stewart Cutest Cupcakes 2010. There are 20 other winners as well, and I am slide #4!!! The little black sheep is missing on the picture BUT I know that he is sitting there on the sheet tray with all his other friends.
I have a brand new CUPCAKES cookbook, which is a good thing since my copy has a broken binding, stains and lots of love notes with tweaks!  Hope you enjoy looking at the gallery AND for those of my friends and family, who have had my flock of sheep to eat, THANK you for enjoying them and supporting my JujyCakes business!

my Flock of Sheep